
Local educator’s online show aimed at parents
July, 2023
Throughout her 40-year career, Kari Kling has done much beyond teaching at Aztec and Hopi elementary schools. She has been an educator and consultant with Scottsdale Unified School District as a lead teacher, a counselor and a parent coach as well as an author and a speaker. Now, she is adding TV personality to her resume. Kling began devoting her life to childhood education in 1981…Read More.

International Mother's Day Exclusive:
May, 2023
Kari Kling is a globally recognized educator, counselor, parent coach, speaker, author and now creator/host of her own weekly and global TV show dedicated to parenting, Parenting GPS: Navigating Your Parenting Journey. Kari states that the job title she values the most is being ‘Mom’ to her twenty-one-year-old twins. After 40 years of working professionally…Read More.

Please Stop Comparing Your Parenting With Others
January, 2023
It is said that ‘comparison is the thief of all joy,’ and this couldn’t be more true when it comes to our parenting. Whether the comparisons that we feel come from social media or in conversations on the soccer field, they can feel unsettling and make us feel inadequate…Read More.

Love Letters To My Child ‒
One Of The Greatest Gifts You Can Give
December, 2022
Most of us have some kind of a special folder or special box containing treasured cards and letters from others that we’ve collected over the years. These heartfelt expressions from others who let us know that we did something for them that was meaningful and appreciated become the heirlooms of our lives. These pieces of our memories make us feel good…Read More.

How To Teach Gratitude To Your Children ‒
My Five Step Plan To ‘SHOUT’ It Out!
November, 2022
“Did you hear about the boy who complained about his shoes until he met the boy who didn’t have any feet?” Growing up, this was a question that my mother asked me on a consistent basis. As a little girl…Read More.

Is Your Child Being Bullied? ‒ My Top Four Tips
To Prevent Your Child From Becoming A Victim
October, 2022
“I’M GOING TO FOLLOW YOU HOME ON THE BUS AND BEAT YOU UP AFTER SCHOOL!” Those are the words that a bully yelled at me in the 8th grade, were embedded in my soul as a young teenager…Read More.

How Are You Smart? ‒ It’s Time For Parents To Look
At Their Child’s ‘Intelligence’ Differently
September, 2022
Every year, millions of children go to school only to feel that they are not very ‘smart.’ Far too many times, I’ve heard children and young adults make statements such as: “I’m just not good in school,” “School doesn’t seem to be for me,” or “I’m just not very smart when it comes to school.” Why does…Read More.

The Many Gifts Of Childhood Boredom
August, 2022
I’m sooooo BORED… If you are a parent, I’m betting you’ve heard those words come out of your child’s mouth more than once,
especially during the last two years or when on an extended vacation from school. Yes? As the mom…Read More.

How To Transform Discipline Into A Positive, Teachable
Moment With Your Children In Four Easy Steps
July, 2022
“Noooo.” “Stop!” “I told you not to.” “How many times do I have to ask you nicely?” “Please don’t!” “If you don’t do this, I’ll *$@#^%***.”
Have these words ever come out of your mouth during your parenting? If you are like so many other parents, they probably have…Read More.

Give Your Child The Most Powerful Summer
Learning Of Their Lives
June, 2022
(Hint…and I’m giving away a complimentary ebook to help you do it!)
Are you a parent and feeling stressed about how you are going to keep your child actively engaged this summer and not spend too much time in front of a screen?
Are you feeling worried that your children have already ‘lost’ some learning time …Read More.

An Interview with Kari Kling, M.Ed.
May, 2022
Kari, you’re an internationally recognized parenting expert with 40 years of experience. You’ve successfully guided thousands of families to have more positive relationships and learning outcomes with their children, ultimately leading to less stress and happier lives. How do you see your purpose in your role working with so many families?
Parenting may be the most important and difficult job we will ever have and it often comes with little preparation or training… Read More.

How To Talk With Your Child About What Is Going On In
The World And Why It’s So Important
April, 2022
How do we talk with our children when frightening events, such as a war, are being revealed to all of us in real time? How can we find the words to comfort our children when we may feel terrified ourselves? How do we even begin to know what to say and what to do?
We may not be able to fix the situation at hand, but there are important parenting strategies that we can use to help our children… Read More.

Don’t Wait For A Crisis In Your Family
March, 2022
Parenting may be the most important and difficult job we will ever have and it often comes with little preparation or training. Whether we like it or not, as parents, WE are our child’s first teachers.
As adults, we maintain our homes, our cars, our electronics and more, but when do we ever maintain our parenting? Many of us have had to learn more about keeping up with job-related information than about how to parent through the different stages of childhood. Read More.

Former Hopi Teacher Helping Two Generations of Students
September, 2020
Phoenix resident and educator Kari Kling is a testament to the immense joy and satisfaction that can accompany a teaching career. Her prolific educational journey began in l981 as a second-grade teacher at Hopi Elementary School.
Until recently, memories of her time as a teacher were in her rearview mirror. But now, Kling’s life has come full circle with former students reaching out to her for guidance and teaching tips for their children. Read More.