About Me
I knew that I wanted to be a teacher when I was five years old! Even when I was a kid, I knew that I wanted to help kids and their families, and that passion has only become stronger with each passing year.
My 40 years of experience as a professional educator, coach, counselor, author, and globally recognized expert on family relationships, behavior, and learning are all grounded in neuroscience.
My diverse background of having coached more than 9,000 families and educators (in person), as well as raising my twin boys, has given me the knowledge and experience to be able to successfully guide other families through difficult times.
In doing so, I have witnessed incredible positive transformations in the ways family members interact with each other, how children behave, increased responsibility, and in a child’s learning.
Some of the most powerful feedback I receive when working with families is that parenting becomes more joyful and there is greater peace within the family.
Now that my twin boys are grown, it is my deep desire to share the knowledge, resources, and strategies that I’ve learned over the past 40 years, enabling YOU to become the kind of parent that you’ve always wanted to be. “Because we don’t get a second chance at our children’s childhood!”

Some Past Highlights of my Accomplishments:
- Founder of Project Plus: Preparing Learners for Unlimited Success
- Selected as a “Distinguished Educator” by the Arizona State Board of Education
- Served on the Arizona State Board of Education K-3 Advisory Board, one of only seven educators in Arizona to receive this honor
- International Education Consultant, Susan Kovalik & Associates
- Awarded the “Citizen of the World” award for education work in Slovakia as they transitioned from a communist to a democratic country
- Received the “Golden Bell Award,” the highest honor bestowed by the Arizona Association of School Boards
- Served as a “Model Teacher,” nationally and internationally
- Member, Various Education Leadership Teams
- Curriculum Writer and Coordinator
- Arizona Republic Parent Advisory Panel Contributor
- Frequent Guest on KPNX’s “School Solutions”
- Scottsdale Society for the Gifted, Board Member
- Founder, “Education Expertise Comes Home”
- Private tutor, creating hundreds of individualized plans for students K-8
Master’s Degree of Education in Counseling
Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Ed.
Endorsements in: Special Education (Learning Disabilities)
Sheltered English Immersion (SEI)
Certified Trainer: Nurtured Heart Approach
Featured and Keynote Speaker at more than 75 state and national conferences including:
- International Parenting Summit
- Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
- National Staff Development Council
- National Council of Teachers of English
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- Arizona Association of Teachers of Mathematics
- Arizona School Administrators
- Utah School Administrators
- Arizona K-3 Early Childhood
- Arizona Association for the Gifted and Talented
- Council for Exceptional Children
- Schools Exceeding Expectations (SEE)
- Literacies and Languages for All
- Arizona Young Author’s Conference
- Instructor, Mesa Parent University
Keynote Speaker at hundreds of individual school and district level “Parent Nights”

Grandma Helen’s No No Room
Maybe this time we will get to sneak a peek at what’s
inside …
My name is Katrina, and I’m going to visit my Grandma
Helen today in New York City. She lives in a very special
apartment with a magical room! She calls it her “No No
Room” because every time my sister Linda and I ask to
go inside she says, “No, No, you mustn’t EVER go in
there.” Grandma Helen has never really told us why, but
we are very smart kids, and we are going to figure it out!
Join Linda and me on a journey filled with imagination
as we try to uncover the mystery behind Grandma
Helen’s magical “No No Room.”
The possibilities are endless!
Brainz Magazine, Executive Contributor, Eleven Articles (View All)
- International Mother’s Day Exclusive: Parenting GPS With Kari Kling
- Please Stop Comparing Your Parenting With Others
- Love Letters To My Child ‒ One Of The Greatest Gifts You Can Give
- How To Teach Gratitude To Your Children ‒ My Five Step Plan To ‘SHOUT’ It Out!
- Is Your Child Being Bullied? ‒ My Top Four Tips To Prevent Your Child From Becoming A Victim
- How Are You Smart? ‒ It’s Time For Parents To Look At Their Child’s ‘Intelligence’ Differently
- The Many Gifts Of Childhood Boredom
It’s Not About Math, It’s About Life
A book written to support educators and parents in teaching students how math is all around them in ways that are meaningful, purposeful and relevant. This book was awarded the “Gold Medal for Best Teacher/Parent Resource.”
Are We There Yet? Connecting Real Life to Learning, Families, and Memories That Will Last A Lifetime!
(Formerly titled: The Only Being There Experience Guide You’ll Ever Need!)
A reproducible booklet designed for parents to promote natural learning in real life! Whether you go on an afternoon trip to the park, the beach, a museum, on a vacation, or even a trip to the grocery store, this resource will greatly enhance your child’s ability to observe and master skills for a lifetime!
“Mission: Addition”
A math education video with a secret-agent theme that teaches the concept of addition by using five math immersion strategies.

I have been happily married to my husband, Bobby, for more than 35 years. My family is my greatest gift and my greatest joy is to be the mom of our 22-year-old twins. Needlepoint is my ‘go-to’ to relax and swimming and walking keep me going. I love to read non-fiction books; especially about child development, neuroscience, parenting, learning and wellness. Then, I love sharing what I’ve learned with others!