Hi. I'm Kari Kling.
I guide parents to more positive relationships and learning outcomes with their children.
Mom . Educator . Coach . Author . Speaker .
Global TV Parenting Talk Show Creator and Host

Parenting may be the most important, rewarding, yet challenging role we may ever have and it often comes with little preparation or training. Whether we like it or not, as parents…
WE are our child’s first teachers.
What keeps you up at night about your kids?
- Do you worry that you’re not doing enough? Too much?
- Do you ever feel that parenting is overwhelming and frustrating?
- Are you concerned that you may not know how to become the kind of parent you really want to be?
- Do you wish that you and your child’s other parent were ‘on the same page’ regarding your parenting decisions?
- Do you ever feel badly that you are yelling at your kids and then feel guilty about it?
- Does ‘discipline’ in your home feel negative instead of offering opportunities to learn and grow?
- Does it seem like asking your child to do something always becomes an argument and negotiation?
- Do you wish you could reduce sibling rivalry with your children and help them form deeper and more positive relationships?
- Do you feel like your child spends too much time in front of a screen and it’s a constant battle?
- Do morning and evening routines wear you down?
- Do you wish your child could have better focus and learn to study?
- Do you want to help your child have a better understanding of how he/she learns best?
- Do you dream of increased peace and joy within your family dynamics and yearn for quick ‘nuggets’ of guidance to support your parenting?
If you answered 'yes' to one of these questions, or have your own questions, I can help!
Let's Work Together
One’s parenting journey can certainly be a joyful, fulfilling and rewarding one, but it can also feel overwhelming, frustrating and exhausting.
Parenting may feel amazing when everything is going well, but what about when it’s not? Where should you turn?
Tune into Parenting GPS, my global TV show dedicated to parenting. You’ll find a huge variety of parenting topics discussed with world experts, nationally and globally recognized psychologists, doctors, New York Times bestselling authors, and more! Simply click here to check out all of the episodes, also seen on Roku.
Please don’t wait for a crisis before seeking professional guidance for your family. If you desire a more personal approach, I offer one-to-one parent coaching sessions that are focused on YOUR parenting goals. I will help you create a step-by-step plan to reach these goals, all grounded in the neuroscience of how we behave and learn.
You are not alone and there’s no reason to feel badly about your parenting any more.